Saturday, November 20, 2004


Well I'm in austin texas. What is there here? I'm not entirely sure. After the fun of a day of interviews I had the chance to see what part of downtown Austin is like. More specifically what a couple of bars are like :). Did anything exciting happen? Well not totally. I got to know a couple of the current employees of National Instruments better and another UW student. From talking to these people NI sounds like a fun and challenging place to work. The only downside? I've been railroaded into a software engr. position. This has been the case with every dang place I've applied. I don't think any company will overlook my double major and let me do hardware design. It doesn't help I haven't done any design since last semester and would prob mess up part of the interview. Ahh well not everyone can be perfect. Seeing as how I devote little effort to actually accomplishing anything I prob should just count my blessings.

Ohh one other thing. While in my interviews I got a whole two calls from VMWare wondering if I was still available for employment. Ohh to be wanted by so many and yet have basically no offers to show for it. Ahh well I will just have to live with my mediocrity. I know people less technically able then me that have job offers from companies such as Microsoft. It makes me really think about what they are actually looking for in an employee. Maybe I failed because I didn't want tto be a wage slave. (Who knows?)

P.S. Guiness? Not so bad....

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