Friday, December 17, 2004

Finals Week! AKA Game Time

Here at Madison, we have entered Finals Week. This is the time where many students get all stressed out about exams and stuff. Me? I play video games instead of work.

In an ironic twist of fate KotOR II: The Sith Lords has come out. Why is this ironic? This time last year KotOR came out and basically ruined my GPA. It is solely responsible for a B I got in AI as I played this game for about 3 straight days instead of studying (Yeah, Yeah a B doesn't "ruin" your GPA but it does mine). Why does God hate me so?

Probably my most hated class is stupid Afro Am Studies? Why do I hate this. It makes me write a papers. Papers are an evil that I have avoided since freshman year and so I am TERRIBLE at writing them. Not to mention the fact I need to try and come up with 10 pages of stuff to write on. This isn't easy for Engineers.


Anonymous said...

hahahah jon is fucked not going to get into graduate school :D


Jon said...

You bet I am. I had to get all "greedy" and apply at Stanford, MIT, and CMU. By not being perfect they will probably shred my application after pouring some coffee on it.