Friday, April 08, 2005

Friday night beatdown

There is nothing like 2 hours of people hitting on you with sticks to make you feel alive. Or just feel a ton of bruises and blisters. Is there a difference?

You may ask yourself "Why am I letting people hit me with sticks?". One word. Kendo. For those of you who don't know, Kendo is the Japanese Martial Art of Swordfighting. Its the technique the Samurai used while wielding their Katana's (and other swords or even naginatas). In modern Kendo (which I am participating in) we use a bamboo sword called a Shinai to practice attacks. This involves you hitting someone and them hitting you back for a couple hours. You don't go totally unprotected you do have a set of Bogu (armor) to absorb some of the damage but misses (people hitting your non-armored areas) are very common.

Of course that doesn't really answer why. The main reason is it allows one to develop discipline and concentration, as a Kendo practitioner tries to develop mushin. It's also a fun couple hours and gets you some exercise :).

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