Saturday, January 29, 2005

To grad school or work?

It has been awhile since my last post but I've been busy with school. School combined with work seem to be eating up all my time.

Anyways I received a letter yesterday informing me that I've been admitted to the UW-Graduate School. Of course this isn't my first choice (Stanford) but at least I now know graduate school is at least a choice. They haven't told me anything of financial aid and the date for finding that out is April 1st. I can't afford another few years of school so if I don't get a Fellowship, or a TA or RA position work is the way to go. Not only that I got a job offer from VMware that is VERY, VERY, tempting. Well I sort of got one they called and told me about it but I haven't received a piece of paper with the info yet. No need for me to decide yet.

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