Sunday, February 06, 2005

A Wet Rainy Day

Well I've been keeping busy here in Madison. It was beautiful outside yesterday, it got up to crazy 43 degrees. Since it was so nice I went down to the "Kites on Ice Festival" hosted out on the lake by Memorial Union. On the way all the melting snow turned lakeshore path into a mud hole. To get around this I walked over to the Union entirely on the ice of lake Mendota. Out on the lake it was warm and you had a great view of all the kites. Some of the kites were pretty cool looking but I got there to late for any of the activities (like make a kite). Plus due to the warmth the lake was melting so there was about 4 inches of water on top of the ice. Boy did my feet get cold and wet!

Today it was also warm but I spent the entire day indoors. I went to Kendo club from 4-7pm during the "superbowl". There were all of two students there so we got a semi-private lesson. I mostly worked on my swings, men, kote, do, and even skee, but I also started to learn part of a kata! Now I'm about a week or so past the rest of the class. On Tuesday they will be handing out Bogu (armor) in class and we will soon be hitting each other!

Of course I finished up my day with a bit of WoW and did quick run on Blackfathom Deeps. I managed to get my rod of the sleepwalker, so next time we go "for Gnomeregan!"

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