Saturday, October 07, 2006

Been a long while

Well looking at my blog it's been quite a long time since I posted last. While I didn't die during that time I've been busy with school and haven't had much time for posting (that and nothing exciting happens at school :(). Anyhow, I was finally able to migrate my blog to the new blogger beta. So far I'm impressed it managed to migrate my links without any real data loss.

In the last two months since I last posted, I drove from CA to MN. Drove from MN to WI. Had my roommate burn up my apartment's kitchen. Played WoW (acquired my tier 2 epic set). Done schoolwork. Eaten cheese curds. From my trip I have a few pictures of Nevada on fire as we saw lightning strikes start a few brush fires on the way back. I'll try to post something from my trip back over the next couple of weeks.

1 comment:

Colin M said...

Nice Jon, you evaded posting even longer than me! welcome to the blogger beta.