Thursday, September 09, 2004

Busy Busy

The first week of classes is done (we started last Thursday), and boy am I busy. I've got plenty of homework but that isn't taking up my time (haven't even looked at it yet). I've spent the last day or two trying to get a student org organized and ready to go for the new year. This involves tracking down all sorts of forms and people.

The biggest hassle is that our server appears to be messed up. It's not BROKEN per say it just happens we've had some random IP that wasn't registered with the College's network Admins. Don't ask me how that happened, my understanding was they gave us the IP in the first place. So now our org's network is cutoff until CAE get's back to me with updated info.

On top of the cutoff hassle they have decided to block all external port access into the system. Since our group has been hosting our own website we're now stuck. I spent some time trying to track down some webspace were we could host a dynamic site to have a basic registration page. Turns out all the U sponsored hosting really wants you to just use good old static html. Of course this doesn't make for a very good system to get new users registered. I finally had to host the thing on my home server over my cable connection.

My Gentoo system managed to get screwed up so I need to rebuild that too. It's busily compiling a bunch of system packages and will hopefully finish in the next day or so. A 600MHz machine takes awhile to compile GLIBC and GCC.

Well I'm sick of working on computers so I don't feel like working on my verilog homework. I think I'll go play some World of Warcraft.

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