Sunday, September 26, 2004


Over the summer I had the brillant idea to softmod my X-Box. I went out and got a USB memory stick, and a USB->X-Box adapter (free PSO one from MS). After a bit of research I found out it wasn't going to work. Why, you may ask? Because I went out and bought the Halo Edition X-Box, which just happens to have a newer kernel than the original ones. This kernel was "mod proof". Key word here: was.

As of this writing I've soft-modded my X-Box. The reason? Because I could. After messing around for a bit I installed XBMC which has got to be a killer app for a home entertainment system. It can be used to stream music (from 'net or pc), watch DVD's, stream movies, and watch divx/mpeg4 videos. It's a mini multi-media center! Why Microsoft just didn't include these features in the X-Box escapes me.

For all of you who don't have a softmodded box let me tell you it's about as easy as possible now. You just download a special game save from the 'net. Stick it in your X-Box and load it in one of 3 defective games. This wonderful installer asks you a few questions and automates the rest. Soooo easy. I really recommend you give it a try. (Warning: In theory you COULD fsck up your X-Box so it doesn't work. Warning 2: Don't go on X-Box live with hack installed 'cause you'll be banned)

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