Friday, February 18, 2005

Friday Again!

Well it's Friday which means another week has come and gone. Did I finish any of my goals for this week? You bet I didn't!

Last Tuesday our bowling team did well, we beat the other team in all 3 games giving us the series. Soon we will no longer be 3rd from worst team in the league (we really messed up the time before). Of course we only won because I bowled so crappy the time before, so my average was < 100 (99). That gave me a wonderful handicap of 90 pins and when combined with everyone else's handicap our teams hadicaps they all added up to more than 100 pins in the first frame!

Aren't we lucky? Still, we won one of the games by more than 150 pins so the handicaps didn't give us all the wins, only two of them. If I could have only consistently bowled a 133 instead of getting that 85 and the 120. The double gutterballs following a strike didn't help my score either.

My plans for this weekend are pretty simple. Do homework, work, and play some WoW, in that order. Of course I'll end up playing WoW and not doing the other things. I need to learn to prioritize or something, anyone have any advice?

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