Monday, February 14, 2005

Internships and the Summer

Well I'm busy as ever. My mission was to update my blog every other day. So far that's failing.

Well today I heard from NVIDIA about the possibility of a Hardware Design ASIC Internship position. I still need to interview for the position but I'm really, really excited as I finally have a chance to show that my Computer Engineering isn't all software.

In other news in my lab group we have decided to develop a video game console. Since it was my idea I ended up as defacto-team lead (basically no one wanted the job.) I also had to agree to write a game for it as no one wants to do software. Now we need to figure out VGA and how we are going to make a somewhat accelerated graphics setup. We've got the ISA specced out for our CPU which we plan to model after the standard pipe-lined RISC system.

Tomorrow have a long day but at least it doesn't start until 1pm. Algorithms, Kendo, 752 discussion, Enlight, and Bowling all await me on my tuesday evenings. If I'm lucky I'll be back by Midnight.

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