Thursday, May 11, 2006

AARGGGHH Stupid Server

It's been awhile since I've made a post about World of Warcraft. Some of you may know that I play this game upon occasion. Since my last WoW post stuff has changed quite about. I left my old small guild and joined a raiding guild on my server Perenolde. Since I started raiding with them (I actually started while still a member of my old guild), we have managed to master Molten Core and basically have this dungeon on "farm" status. We have also managed to get Onyxia on farm status, and can get Razorgore in Black Wing Lair down in 1-2 attempts regularly.

Last Sunday my guild was disbanded after our officers asked our guild leader to step down due to some personality conflicts between the leader and some of our membership. Rather than step down gracefully a long argument ensued followed by the GM disbanding the guild rather than transferring leadership. While this could be the death of a guild luckily my guild bounces back pretty well. We have already reformed with new name and leadership and we are stronger than ever. Now to the reason for this post.

Right now we are working on getting down boss #2 in BWL Vaelastraz the Corrupt. Today we managed to almost kill this guy 5 times, our last two attempts would have been kills but for one annoying problem. BLIZZARD HATES US. That's right we had some freak disconnects our last tries which basically cost us the fight. While we had a tank disconnect just as we started the fight and about 2 minutes into the fight we lost another 5-10 players. For this particular fight healing and damage dealing are all very important and we cannot lose that many players and still expect to finish the fight. So we ended up the night empty handed with only our normal Onyxia/Razorgore 2 kill combo. Hopefully we have time Saturday or Sunday to take Vael down.

For those of you interested I have a video of the fight encoded with the xvid codec, with full audio. You can here my current background music and the teamspeak chatter. Two interesting things to note. Just as you see ATTACK show up on the screen you can see yellow text in the bottom left corner which one of the tanks disconnecting. Around 2 minutes into the fight you can see the mass disconnect which doomed us. WARNING: 60mb video! Download here.

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