Friday, December 16, 2005

School Over! Sort Of

Well yesterday class officially ended, and in celebration I hosted end of the year party/get together. We had about 15 people over for the party, and played pictionary. My team managed to come back from being almost and entire board behind for the win. After that most of the guests headed home, missing the desert I had made in the process. (French Silk Pie yummm.)

Those who hung around played some 5 player Halo with linked Xboxes. Of all the players Colin made imporved the most going from 0 kills his first game, to holding first for a short time during a later round. Halo wrapped up around 11:20 and we broke out the French Silk and an Apple Pie.

Finally, I wrapped up the day with the last Midnight Bowling league game of the semester. Our team was playing the team in first for the league win. To pull off the win we had to win both games and the series (total pinfall over two games) to get enough points to make first. Unfortuneatly for us we bowled a decent game while the other team bowled the game of their lives for the win. Since we were guaranteed to come in second at this point our bowling changed to try some creative throws. Bowling left handed, behind the back, between the legs, or kicking the ball didn't work out well for any of my teammates and our scores for the second game were rather poor. In any case we had a lot of fun during the last game of the year.

During the next week I have a paper to write, a programming project to work on, and a final to study for. Time to get back to my CS 838 paper.

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