Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Dell invents everything!

A recent interview with the Dell CTO has Dell claiming if it wasn't for them PCI-Express, 802.11, 64 bit x86 support and more would never have come to be. While I agree Dell has a lot of power in the industry I think they are taking to much credit for other peoples work. About the only technology I might give Dell some credit for is making Intel support 64bit technology on their processors. They probably had a conversation along these lines:

Dell: Hey, Intel.

Intel: Yes?

Dell: We need 64 bit computers HP is stealing sales from us.

Intel: You have 64 bit processors. Itaniums should be good enough for you.

Dell: We want 64 bit x86!

Intel: Microsoft doesn't even support this.

Dell: I WANT IT!!!

Intel: No.

Dell: We'll use AMD.

Intel: .....

Intel: Would you like anything else with your 64 bit x64 procs?

Dell: Buy one get one free with your processors.

Intel: Ok.

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