Friday, May 26, 2006


Well nothing really exciting happened today, we managed to make it across Nebraska and Wyoming with no real trouble. Today we drove 400 miles across Wyoming and about another 400 miles across Nebraska. That puts us up to around 1,400 for my 2,200 mile trip. Right now I'm sitting in a hotel Evanston, WY taking full advantage of the wireless internet (yes I logged into WoW but I don't really plan to play). It took me a bit to get logged in as it appears the default name server assigned by the hotel doesn't really exist. In trying to figure out why I couldn't find Google I discovered they use linksys home routers as access points which all happen to use the default admin password. With my newfound power I could h4x0r the router and mess up the 'net but that would be pretty pointless and just screw me over.

Anyways I have a few pictures to post. I have a couple pictures of Wyoming from the car, and a few pictures of my car. For those of you who don't know I recently (two days ago) purchased a 2006 Mazda 3, S model to drive around for the next 10 years. In any case I have a couple pictures of the car for those interested. But first Wyoming!

These are the only pictures which turned out, the rest are just of completely flat land and have reflections from the car window. Now for my car.

Now the interior:

Those of your who may have looked closely might have noticed that yes, this car has a manual not an automatic transmission. I currently have like 4 days experience with it and have it down pretty well now. Another interesting tidbit is that you CANNOT see any of the gauges when the car is off as the red is 100% led lights. As an added bonus the white edges you see turn blue at night, it looks pretty cool. I'll try and snap a photo after it gets dark and post it later. Anyways that's it for now. Tomorrow, it's time to cross Utah, and Nevada as we plan to stop in Sacremento for the night (my Dad doesn't want to drive further than that).


Colin M said...

Sweet car, Jon, you'll have to drive me around at Madison next year. A word of caution on the manual transmission, in case you haven't run into it in the last 4 days: they're really fun to drive, but be wary of stopping on hills. I don't think Jeni and I hit anybody, but we had some interesting starts when people pulled up really close behind. (I guess I shouldn't say "we"... the interesting ones were pretty much just me, since I hadn't driven stick since October 2004)

Anyway, sounds like your trip is going well. Who all is driving out there with you/how are they getting home?

That looks pretty much like what we drove through of Wyoming as well, though we were only in the northeast corner. Pretty desolate state, I thought. Let me know what Nevada is like, I'll have to go there some day just to say I've seen it.

I'm in Oregon right now, hanging out around Crater Lake & the surrounding area (defining "surrounding area" pretty loosely, since "civilization" and this wifi link are 50 or 75 miles east or west, respectively). We definitely need to find a weekend or something to get together here, though- the area is beautiful.

Btw, I left a reply for you about lodging near Crater Lake on Jeni's blog- check that out in case you didn't see it. One addition to that is that there are quite a few tent camping sites nearby if you have a tent. (I don't have one with me, but I might be able to have my parents ship one from home.)

Well, hope this finds you safe & sound in Sacremento... I'm headed back to Seattle either tonight/tomorrow by car or tomorrow by train, depending on Jeni's work schedule. Safe driving, and talk to you later!


Anonymous said...

Joobles! I never got to go for a ride in the car!:( You'll just have to come up to duluth now to hang out with me I guess... :p


Jon said...

Yeah hills can be fun. I spent a bit of time practicing in a hilly and traffic free area near my home. After some practice I was able to move from stalling the car, to being able to start it and go without rolling backwards!

I got to put my skills to the test when I stopped earlier today as it appears Rocklin, CA was built on a bunch of hills. I still need a bit more practice starting quickly but on the plus side I haven't rolled backwards :P.

Colin M said...

Yeah, don't worry about starting quickly... people will wait. If you want some good practice with rediculous hills and high pressure, come visit in Seattle and drive around downtown! I will never take a manual transmission there again of my own free will.